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Esset's guide to Chapter Drinks III

Uppdaterat: 2 aug. 2023

We are back one last time to continue our favorite trilogy (the first and second parts of the trilogy can be found here). If you are hoping to go out drinking, then campus is probably the kindest option for your bank accounts, which is why Esset has gone out in field to find the best Friday pubs!

All good things come to an end; unfortunately, the weekend is upon us, and we have to spend a student aid slaughtering 150kr per drink. Luckily, Tuesday is just around the corner, and you can once again get wasted on a budget! Here is the third and last part of our unwholesome drinking, which we have referred to as “knowledge.”


From experience, we have learned that the chemistry chapter can be a little sensitive against having “outsiders” in their pub, which means you have a better chance to get into Dragskåpet (the fume closet) if you go there earlier. They were weary of letting us in even though we were there quite early; good thing we were charming! Their by far most fun shot is Vaccinen (the vaccine), which you take out of a syringe. They had unfortunately sold out their patches when we arrived, and apparently, you aren't allowed to get vaccinated without a “certification” in the form of a patch. So we had to rate and review the shot from memory based on previous times. (Address: Teknikringen 36)

Last time we were here, we got vaccinated against snefylla (sloppy drunkness), bra beslut (good decisions), and most importantly, Chalmers (KTH’s rival school). They don’t taste the best, but it is vital to have three vaccine doses in your body, according to Sweden’s epidemiologist, Tegnell. They even have a tasty green drink called Organslask (organ slush) which you get a pretty patch for.

The pub we spent the most time at that Friday evening was the Vehicle Technology’s pub at T-Centralen (their chapter room named after the central station). They had an incredible amount of super fun patches you could earn, and we had set out to try them all! One of the more iconic patches is Ubåten (the submarine) which is something you are meant to drink at an after ski out of a rented ski boot. Thankfully that’s not how they serve it here, but it still tasted like hell, as it should! Their second fun drink was TT-teknologen (the TT-technologist, TT is some beer, we think), which requires you to deposit one of your shoes at the bar to get the drink, and you only got it back once you finished your drink. So you get to choose whether you want to hop on one leg until it’s finished or sacrifice a sock to the sticky pub floor. (Address: Drottning Kristinas väg 29)

Esset’s visit to Mechanical Engineering’s pub, located at the bottom of the V building, Smörjkammaren (no freaking clue) was not our most effective journalism. We had a little too much fun there, causing us to forget that we were there for the sake of the science of Alcohology. That in itself speaks volumes about what we thought of the pub. Here we got to try Shotskidan (shot ski), another shot we have deemed iconic. You take different shots with corresponding colored patches off of a ski. We took it several times and collected all the colored patches, which we of course lost.

Architecture’s pubs are also open on Fridays at Byggeriet (play on the word brewery and building), a cozy little pub where you have the chance to be intimate with 70 people at once due to lack of space. If you don’t need to commute to and from campus during rush hour, you can go to this pub to get a feel for it. We have selected Festoville as their most iconic drink, and it has the best-looking patch on campus. The patch comes in three parts with corresponding drinks. The only problem (according to some people in Esset) is that you have to drink about 1 dl of tabasco to get it. If you like tabasco in your drink (like others in Esset), this is the obvious choice! (Address: Teknikringen 20A)

The evening’s final pub was at Istället (Pronounced I-stället) or Issy, held by the Industrial Engineers. They had only one chapter drink. Sadly, we did not consider it iconic enough to be on the list. However, we spent our time there taking different shots for 20kr each (!) and dishonoring the entire S-Chapter at Beer Pong. We had a lot of fun there, but it is unclear exactly when their pubs are open. Esset suggests that if you hear music from the W-building, give them a visit; it will be fun!

And now, Esset will go sober for a month!

Drink responsibly,

Don't spill it


Tomas Johansson

Research Partner and Translator

Shakar Garmeny



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