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SM1 Recap

New year also means another chapter meeting. This time, it was time to elect the project group for lava 2023, the S-chapter’s work fair.

The meeting kicked off as usual with information from the board about the current state of the chapter. New president Naima Ozims stated that a lot of work has, as usual, been dedicated to starting the new administrative year. So far, the board has held one trustee meeting with a discussion on how the chapter should advertise events. A new project manager for Lava, Emma Ramstedt, has also been elected. Lastly, Naima spoke about the S-chapter being registered for VAT by the Swedish tax agency. It is the opinion of the board that since the S chapter is connected to the student union which is not obligated to pay any corporate tax, this right should extend to the chapter. They have therefore hired a legal advisor to identify the course of action.

Next up, the head of the study board Linnea Holmsten proposed the S-chapter’s nominations to the comradery scholarship, given by THS. According to tradition, the study board selects the study buddies of the year who are presented at n0llegasquen, the gasque marking the end of the bachelor student reception. The people awarded were:

  • Jordan Berman

  • Carl Vilhelm Boström

  • Eddie Carlsson

THS stipulates, however, that in order to receive the grant, the award winners should be confirmed at a chapter meeting. The meeting confirms the nominations.

Ossian Ahlkvist, THS representative to the S-chapter, was next and informed the meeting attendants that it is possible to apply to the THS board. He also took the opportunity to market the 120th anniversary of the student union which will be celebrated in all chapter common rooms on campus on the 9th of April. Unfortunately, oaSen was already booked for the graduation party of the class of 2016, so other chapter members will not get the chance to experience our chapter hall.

Before the dinner break, vice president Alice Gardby presented a proposition to change the budget and add 20 000 kr for participating in the civil engineering student conference. Some meeting attendants were hesitant and believed that the whole board does not need to go to the conference every time. Regardless, the meeting decided unanimously to approve the proposition. At the same time, the budget for purchasing a new car was also moved from last year because the car will not arrive until this summer.

Last but not least, president Naima Ozims again took to the podium and presented a change in the statutes for the role of treasurer. In short, the board wants the position to be elected during a longer election period, similar to the president and vice president. This is according to the board because the position involves larger responsibilities.

After a quick falafel wrap break, the meeting started again with the election of the project group for Lava 2023. While only six people had initially applied for the seven positions, the project group was complete at the end of the meeting with the following positions:

  • Head of communication: Maedot Yared

  • Head of events: Nira Mandolin

  • Head of marketing: Fabian Bohlin

  • Head of corporate relations: Gabriel Boquist*

  • Head of HR: Ingrid Cronqvist

  • Head of logistics: Julia Hazanova*

  • Head of economy: Bella Franzén

* Elected after a vote

With that, the meeting concluded after three hours and twenty minutes with 44 members present. The next meeting will be held on the 17th of May, where most of the chapter’s smaller positions will be elected. As always, Esset will be there to live-report.

Karl Mårtensson


Shakar Garmeny


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